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Aug 2017

a personal weblog in Early Middle English

mi_n li_f after mi_ne fore`genges i`the_ode

Sater`daj, 19 August 2017

God`jefe is in Lunden. Sce_ wyrceth alse nanny, jemende twa_ cildre. E_k Hro_th`ware is in Lunden. Sce_ wyrceth alse innen-and`weorpere. Innen-and`warp is ma_re than inne-fratwe. Offa wyrceth in advertising in Ke_n`ri_c`wa_ld and Mo_d`thry_th wuneth in Elf`hyrst. Mo_d`thry_th wyrceth in a_n ale`hu_s, the i`meane be_or-sal of Hunte`du_n-Inn, and be`byggeth vintage-weades at the Circe`wi_k-ceap`sto_w. Ne_wen a_n thrycc-i`si_thscipe u_the hire a_n inner`scipe - a_n daj a' wuke of unpaid weork, alse graphic and`weorpere. The i`si_thscipe ne hafeth a_gene thrycc`ern.

21 April 2019

Eadij Easter`daj and Pesah

18 May 2019

I`se_lije, sah ic Dubrovnik ear that Daenerys Targaryen and hire drake hit for`dyden.

23 October 2019

Ic sah the swe_j-pleje "Hear" jestren-e_fene. The wi_f be`hinden me_ sang thurh`u_t and hlu_de. "Go_d Hlafdij, ic be`se_ce the_ - linn thi_n sa_ng. Ic ne jald ehte`tij dollars the_ to_ he_ren." Mi_n a_ne hre_ow - that ic thise wordes eft thohte, in the train.

25 October 2019

The NBN*-man cumeth, and breketh u_re gas-pi_pe.

19 November 2019

Is hit wyrd that the latest`e niht tha_ maj ic mi_n i`scot-writ online a`senden`, is e_k Alre Halgen E_fen?

24 December, 2019

Is fele re_k in the lyft he_r in mi_n burh. U_re umb`hwyrft for`berneth. Ne mi_n a_gen`e sci_re i`se_lije, ak the umb`sellende wa_ldes and beorges.

26 December, 2019

Jestren, mathelden we_ mid u_re dohter in Lunden, cirkel`wyrdli_ce mid sihthe. Sce_ un`wra_h u_re jefe and we_ un`wrigen hire jefe. Sce_ mihte us se_on - alle fi_f in heorth`bu_r te_n thu_send mi_le on`wej. Was myrij Cri_stes masse for us. Ic hope e_k for jow and jowre kynnes.

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