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Early Middle English for today

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the Peterborough Chronicle second continuation 1154

in a normalised Early Middle English (East Midland dialect c 1200)

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On this year warth the king Stephne dead and be`biried thear. His wi_f and his sune wearen be`biried at Fauresfeld, that minster hi_ makeden. Tha_ the king was dead, tha_ was the erl be`yonde sea, and ne durste na_n man do_n to_ o_ther bu_te go_d for the micel eye of him. Tha_ he_ to_ Engle`land co_m, tha_ was he_ under`fangen mid micel wurthscipe, and to_ king bletsed in Lundene on the Sunnen`day be`foren mid`winter`day; and he_ld thear micel curt. That ilke day that Martin abbot of Burh sculde thider faren, tha_ se_clede he_ and warth dead iv Nonae Ianuarii.

And the munekes inne dayes chusen o_ther of hem self. Willelm de Waltevile is y`ha_ten - go_d clerk and go_d man; and wel lufed of the kinge and of alle go_de men. And on circe birieden the abbot he_hli_ce; and so_ne the chosen abbot fe_rde and the munekes mid him to_ Oxenforde to_ the king and he_ yaf him that abbot`ri_ce. And he_ fe_rde him so_ne to_ Lincol and was thear bletsed to_ abbot ear he_ ha_m co_me. And sithen was under`fangen mid micel wurthscipe at Burh, mid micel processiun. And swa_ he_ was alswa_ at Rameseaye, and at Torn, and at Spall and at Sancte Iberes, and nu_ is abbot; and fayere hafeth be`gunnen. Cri_stes him unne thus enden!