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Early Middle English for today

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The Owl and the Nightingale (lines 101-200)

in a normalised Early Middle English (East Midland dialect c 1200)

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That o_ther year a faucoun bredde;
hir' nest noht wel hyo ne be`he_dde:
thear`to_ thu_ steale in a_n day,
and leydest thear`on thi_n fu_le e_y.
Tha_ hit be`com that hyo hahte, 105
and of hir' e_yre briddes wrohte;
hyo brohte hir' briddes mete,
be`he_ld hir' nest, i`sah hi_ eten:
hyo i`sah bi_ a_ne halfe
hir' nest i`fu_led u_t`halfe. 110
The faucoun was wrath with hir' bridde,
and lu_de yal and sterne ci_dde:
"Seggeth me_, hwa_ hafeth this i`do_n?
Of nas neafer' i`ki_nde thear`to_:
hit was i`do_n of a la_the kiste. 115
Seggeth me_ yif ye_ hit wisten."
Tha_ cwath that a_n and cwath that o_ther:
"I`wiss it was u_re a_gen bro_ther,
the yond that hafeth that greate heafed:
wey that he_ nis thear`of be`reafed! 120
Warp hit u_t mid the alre-firste
that his necke him to_-berste!"
The faucoun i`le_fde hir' briddes,
and nam that fu_le brid a`midde,
and warp hit of the wi_lde bo_ge,125
thear pie and cra_we hit to_`dro_gen.
He_r`bi_ men seggeth a bi_`spel,
theah hit ne be_ fulli_ce spel;
al swa_ hit is bi_ the un`go_de
that is i`cumen of fu_le bro_de, 130
and is menged with fre_ men,
eafer' he_ ki_theth that he_ com thanne,
that he_ com of the adel-e_ge,
theah he_ a fre_ neste leye.
theah appel trendele fram the trewe, 135
thear he_ and o_ther mid gro_we,
theah he_ be_ thear-fram be`cumen,
he_ ki_theth wel hwenen he_ is i`cumen."
Tha_s word a`yaf the nihte`gale,
and after the la_nge tale 140
he_ sang swa_ lu_de and swa_ scarpe,
riht swa_ me_ grillde scille harpe.
This u_le lisnede thider`ward,
and he_ld hire e_gen nether`ward,
and sat to_`swollen and i`bolgen, 145
alswa_ hyo hadde a_ne frogghe i`swolgen:
for hyo wel wiste and was i`war
that hyo sang hire a bismer.
and na_`the`leas hyo yaf andswere,
"Hwi_ nil thu_ fle_n into_ the bare, 150
and sceawen hwether unker be_
of brihter he_we, of fayere`r ble_?"
"Na_, thu_ hafest wel scarpe clawe,
ne ke_p' ic noht that thu_ me_ clawe.
thu_ hafest cliferes swi_the stra_nge, 155
thu_ twengst thear-mid swa_ do_th a ta_ng.
Thu_ thohtest, swa_ do_th thi_ne i`li_ce,
mid fayere worde me_ be`swi_ken.
Ic nolde do_n that thu_ me_ readdest,
ic wiste wel that thu_ me_ mis`readdest. 160
Scame the_ for thi_n un`reade!
Un`wrigen is thi_n swikelha_de!
Sce_ld thi_ne swikeldo_m fram the lihte,
and hi_d that wo_h ama_ng the rihte.
Thanne thu_ wilt thi_n un`riht spenden, 165
lo_ke that hit ne be_ i`segen:
for swikedo_m hafeth scame and hete,
yif hit is open and underyeten.
Ne speddest thu_ noht mid thi_ne un`wrence,
for ic am war and can wel blencen.170
Ne helpeth noht that thu_ be_ to_ thri_ste:
ic wolde fihten bet mid liste
than thu_ mid al thi_ne strengthe.
Ic habbe, on breade and e_k on leng`the,
castel go_d on mi_ne ri_se: 175
"Wel fihteth that wel fle_th," seyth the wi_se.
Ak leaten we_ a`wey this ceast,
for swilce wordes be_n un`wreaste;
and fo_n we_ on mid rihte do_me,
mid fayere wordes and mid y`so_me. 180
Theah we_ ne be_n at a_ne acorde,
we_ mugen be_n it mid fayere worde,
with`u_te ceaste, and bu_ten fihte,
plaidi mid fo_ge and mid rihte:
and may u_re eayther hwat he_ wile 185
mid rihte seggen and mid skille."
Tha_ cwath the u_le "Hwa_ scal us se_men,
that cunne and wille riht us de_men?"
"Ic wa_t wel" cwath the nihte`gale,
"Ne tharf thear`of be_n na_ tale. 190
Maister Nichole of Guldeforde,
he_ is wi_s and war of worde:
he_ is of do_me swi_the gleaw,
and him is la_th eafric un`theaw.
He_ wa_t in`sihth in ealce sa_nge, 195
hwa_ singeth wel, hwa_ singeth wra_nge:
and he_ can sceaden fram the rihte
that wo_h, that the_ster fram the lihte."
Tha_ u_le a_ne hwi_le hit be`thohte,
and after that this word up`brohte: 200