Ormulum admonition to husbands & wives
the original text
view normalised textT`i macche birrt` t`e lufenn wel;
y`iff t`att y`ho drihhtin dredet`t`.
& tu mihht folly`h`enn hire will;
Inn all t`att niss na sinne.
Inn all t`att y`ho y`eornet`t` wit`t` skill.
To y`unnkerr bat`re gode.
& y`iff t`att iss t`att y`ho iss all.
Wittlaes. & wac. & wicke;
All birrt` t`e don t`i mahht taerto.
To y`emenn hire. & gaetenn.
Swa t`att y`ho muy`h`e borry`h`enn beon.
Att hire lifess ende.
Forr y`iff t`att y`ho iss gaetelaes.
& ey`y`elaes. & wilde;
Y`ho gilltet`t` skët. & y`iff t`üt wast.
& te niss nohht taer offe;
T`a narrt tu nohht all sinnelaes.
Off - t`att y`ho lit` i sinne.
& y`iff t`i macche iss wis. & god.
& tu wittlaes. & wicke;
T`a birrt` t`i macche gaetenn t`e.
All t`att y`ho may`y` fra sinne.
Forr ey`y`t`err birrt` t`urrh ot`err beon;
Hollpenn to wurrt`enn borry`h`enn.
& y`iff y`itt bat`e folly`henn rihht.
& lufenn godd. & draedenn;
& haldenn y`unnkerr cristenndom.
Wel affterr y`unnkerr mihhte.
Swa t`att y`itt bat`e ledenn y`unnc.
Clennlike y`unnc bitwenenn;
T`a folly`h`e y`itt tatt narrwe stih.
T`att ledet`t` y`unnc till heoffne;
Y`iff t`att y`itt endenn y`unnkerr lif.
All affterr cristess wille.
Wit`t` all t`e rihhte laefe o godd;
& all i gode dedes.
Wit`t` lufe towarrd alle menn;
Wit`t` husell. & wit`t` shriffte.
& y`unnc birrt` nimenn mikell gom;
To t`aewenn y`unnkerr chilldre.
& y`unnc birrt` y`eorne laerenn hemm.
To lufenn godd. & draedenn.
Y`iff t`att y`itt nilenn wrat`t`enn godd;
T`urrh sinnfull y`emelaeste.
& y`unnc birrt` y`unnkerr ley`h`e menn.
Rihht lay`h`elike ledenn.
Swa t`att y`itt nohht att hofelaes.
Ne nede t`ey`y`m to swinnkenn.
Forr y`unnc birrt` witenn swit`e wel.
& innwarrdlike trowwenn.
T`att niss bitwenenn y`unnc. & hemm.
Nan shaed i manness kinde.
& tatt tey`y` muy`h`enn gode beon.
Biforenn godess ehne.
& tatt y`itt muy`h`enn wrat`t`enn godd;
Y`iff y`itt hemm oferrbedenn.
& heore ley`h`e birrt` hemm beon;
Raediy` t`ann itt iss addledd.
Forr t`att iss godess bodeword.
Loc y`iff t`u willt itt folly`h`enn.
T`att heore day`y`whammlike swinnc.
Beo day`y`whammlike hemm y`oldenn.
& hemm birrt`. y`iff t`att hemm iss lat`.
Full hefiy`liy` to gilltenn;
Beon ar. & làte o y`unnkerr weorrc.
& y`eorrnfull ay`y` t`aeronne.
Forr y`iff t`ey`y` wirrkenn y`unnkerr weorrc.
Forrwurrt`ennlike. & ille;
T`a gilltenn t`ey`y` full hefiy`liy`.
Y`aen godd. & y`aen y`unnc bat`e.