Ancrene Wisse (Temptations)
original text
view normalised textT`e prude beod` his bemeres, drahed` wind in-ward wid` worltlich here-word, ant eft wid` idel y`elp puffed` hit ut-ward as t`e bemeres dod`, makied` noise ant lud dream to schawin hare orhel. Ah y`ef ha wel t`ohten of Godes bemeres, of t`e englene bemen, t`e schulen o fowr half t`e world bivore t`e grurefule dom grisliche blawen, "Arised`, deade! Arised`! Cumed` to Drihtines dom for-te beon i-demet!" d`ear na prud bemere ne schal beon i-borhen - y`ef ha t`ohten t`is wel, ha walden inoh-read`e i t`e deofles servise dimluker bemin. Of t`eose bemeres seid` Ieremie, Onager solitarius in desiderio anime sue attraxit ventum amoris sui. Of t`e wind "drahinde in for luve of here-word," seid` [Ieremie] as ich seide.
Summe iuglurs beod` t`e ne cunnen servin of nan od`er gleo bute makien cheres, wrenche t`e mud` mis, schulen wid` ehnen. Of t`is meoster servid` t`e unseli ontfule i t`e deofles curt, to bringen o lahtre hare ondfule laverd. Y`ef ei seid` wel od`er ded` wel, ne mahen ha nanes weis lokin t`ider wid` riht ehe of god heorte, ah winkid` o t`et half ant bihalded` o luft y`ef t`er is eawt to edwiten, od`er ladliche d`ider-ward schuled` mid eid`er. Hwen ha i-hered` t`et god, skleatted` t`e earen adun, ah t`e lust ay`ein t`et uvel is eaver wid open. T`enne he wrenched` t`e mud`, hwen he turned` god to uvel, ant y`ef hit is sum-del uvel, t`urh mare lastunge wrenched` hit to wurse. T`eos beod` forecwidderes, hare ahne prophetes. T`eos bodied` bivoren hu t`e eateliche deoflen schulen y`et ageasten ham wid` hare grennunge, ant hu ha schulen ham-seolf grennin ant nivelin ant makien sur semblant for t`e muchele angoise i t`e pine of helle. Ah for-d`i ha beod` t`e leasse to meanen d`et ha bivoren-hond leornid` hare meoster to makien grim chere.
T`e wread`fule bivore t`e feond skirmed` mid cnives ant is his cnif warpere, ant pleied` mid sweordes, bered` ham bi t`e scharp ord upon his tunge. Sweord ant cnif eid`er beod` scharpe ant keorvinde word t`et he warped` from him ant skirmed` toward od`re, ant he boded` hu t`e deoflen schulen pleien wid` him mid hare scharpe eawles, skirmi wid` him abuten ant dusten ase pilche-clut euch to- ward od`er, ant wid` helle sweordes asneasen him t`urh-ut - t`et beod` kene ant eateliche ant keorvinde pinen.
T`e slawe lid` ant sleped` o t`e deofles bearm as his deore deorling, ant te deovel leid` his tutel dun to his eare ant tuteled` him al t`et he wule. For swa hit is sikerliche to hwam-se is idel of god: mead`eled` t`e feond y`eorne, ant te idele underved` luveliche his lare. Idel ant y`emeles is t`es deofles bearnes slep, ah he schal o Domes-dei grimliche abreiden wid` t`e dredfule dream of t`e englene bemen, ant in helle wontread`e echeliche wakien. Surgite! - aiunt - Mortui, surgite! et venite ad judicium Salvatoris.
T`e y`iscere is his eskibah, feared` abuten esken ant bisiliche stured` him to rukelin togederes muchele ant monie ruken, blawed` t`'rin ant blent him-seolf, pead`ered` ant maked` t`'rin figures of augrim, as t`es rikeneres dod` t`e habbed` muche to rikenin. T`is is al t`e canges blisse ant te feond bihalt tis gomen ant lahed` t`et he bersted`. Wel understont, euch wis mon, t`et gold ba ant seolver, ant euch eord`lich ahte, nis bute eord`e ant esken t`e ablended` euch mon t`e ham in blawed` - t`et is, t`e bolhed` him t`urh ham in heorte prude. Ant al t`et he rukeled` ant gedered` togederes ant ed`alt of ei t`ing t`et nis bute esken mare t`en hit neoded`, schal in helle wurd`en him tadden ant neddren. Ant ba, as Y`saie seid`, schulen beon of wurmes - his cuvertur ant his hwitel - t`e nalde t`er- wid` neodfule feden ne schruden. Subter te sternetur tinea et operimentum tuum vermis.
T`e y`ivere glutun is t`e feondes manciple, ah he stiked` eaver i celer od`er i cuchene. His heorte is i t`e dissches, his t`oht al i t`e neppes, his lif i t`e tunne, his sawle i t`e crohhe. Kimed` bivoren his laverd bismuddet ant bismulret, a disch in his an hond, a scale in his od`er. Mead`eled` mis wordes, wigled` as fordrunke mon t`e haved` i-munt to fallen, bihalt his greate wombe - ant te deovel lahhed`. T`eose t`reatid` t`us Godd t`urh Y`saie: Servi mei comedent et vos esurietis, et cetera. "Mine men schulen eoten, ant ow schal eaver hungrin, ant y`e schule beon feo[ndes fod]e world buten ende." Quantum glorificavit se et in deliciis fuit, tantum date illi tormentum et luctum. In Apocalipsi: Contra unum poculum quod miscuit miscete ei duo. Y`ef t`e kealche-cuppe wallinde bres to drinken, y`eot in his wide t`rote t`et he swelte in-wid`. "Ay`ein an, y`ef him twa." T`ullich is Godes dom ay`ein y`ivere ant drunc-wile i t`e Apocalipse.
T`e lecchurs i t`e deofles curt habbed` riht hare ahne nome, for i t`es muchele curz, t`eo me cleoped` lecchurs t`e habbed` swa forlore scheome t`et heom nis na-wiht of scheome, ah seched` hu ha mahen meast vilainie wurchen. T`e lecchur i t`e deofles curt bifuled` him-seolven fulliche ant his feolahes alle, stinked` of d`et fuld`e ant paied` wel his laverd wid` t`et stinkinde bread` betere t`en he schulde wid` eani swote rechles. Hu he stinke to Godd, i Vitas Patrum t`e engel hit schawde, t`e heold his nease t`a t`er com t`e prude lecchur ridinde, ant nawt for d`et rotede lich t`et he healp t`e hali earmite to biburien! Of alle od`re t`enne habbed` t`eos t`e fuleste meoster i t`e feondes curt, t`e swa bidod` ham-seolven. Ant he schal bidon ham, pinin ham wid` eche stench i t`e put of helle.
Nu y`e habbed` ane dale i-herd, mine leove sustren: of t`eo t`e me cleoped` t`e seove moder-sunnen, ant of hare teames, ant of hwucche meosters t`es ilke men servid` i t`e feondes curt, t`e habbed` i-wivet o t`eose seoven haggen, ant hwi ha beod` swid`e to heatien ant to schunien. Y`e beod` ful feor from ham, ure Laverd beo i-d`oncket! Ah t`et fule bread` of t`is leaste und`eaw - t`et is, of leccherie - stinked` se swid`e feor, for t`e feond hit sawed` ant toblawed` over al, t`et ich am sum-del ofdred leste hit leape sum-chearre into ower heortes nease. Stench stihed` uppart, ant y`e beod` hehe i-clumben t`er t`e wind is muchel of stronge temptatiuns. Ure Laverd y`eove ow strengd`e wel to wid`stonden.