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Early Middle English for today

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At a glance

The key differences between Early Middle English (eME) and Modern English (ModE):

  1. the posessive ending has no apostrophe: -(e)s (not -'s);
  2. the plural/possessive ending is always -es unless the noun ends in a vowel (in which case, it is simply -s);
  3. final <h> (/x/) in the singular becomes <g> (/G``/ or /J`/) in the plural/possessive;
  4. there are more irregular plurals than in ModE;

-es is the marker for plurals and possessives

Just as ModE marks plural nouns with a final -s or -es, so eME generally marked its plural nouns with -es. However, while in ModE, -es is only added to nouns that end in -s or -x, in eME -es was added to all nouns, except those which ended in a vowel. For example, where ModE has storms but foxes, eME has stormes and foxes. Note that the plurals of eME nose and sco__ are noses and sco__s. Because these end in a vowel, only -s is added.

Possessives were also generally marked with -es, rather than the ModE -'s. For example, where ModE has the man's finger, eME has t`e mannes finger.

The following comparison of noun endings in ModE and eME reveals that the two barely differ:

sg. nom./acc./dat. town
gen. (= poss.) town's
pl. (all cases) towns
sg. nom./acc./dat. tu__n
gen. tu__nes
pl. (all cases) tu__nes

final <h>

Final <h> (/x/) in the singular becomes <g> (/G``/ or /J`/) when <es> is added in the plural/genitive, e.g. arh, bo__h, burh, cro__h, de__h, farh, marh, sorh vs arges, bo__ges, burges, cro__ges, de__ges, farges, marges, sorges i.a.

Irregular plurals

ModE has a small number of irregular plurals which aren't formed by adding -(e)s: mice, lice, geese, feet, teeth, men, oxen, children, brethren, sheep, deer.

eME had these same irregular plurals, as well as a few more, which are highlighted in the table below1. There were four types of irregular plurals in eME, the first three of which are still found in ModE:

  1. plurals with internal vowel change;
  2. plurals in -(e)n;
  3. no plural ending (i.e. unchanged);
  4. plurals in -re;
eME plural eME singular ModE plural ModE singular
1. plurals with internal vowel change
mi__s mu__s mice mouse
li__s lu__s lice louse
ge__s go__s geese goose
fe__t fo__t feet foot
te__t` to__t` teeth tooth
men man men man
wi__fmen wi__fman women woman
ki__ cu__ cows cow
gaet ga__t goats goat
2. plurals in -(e)n
oxen oxe oxen ox
be__n be__ bees bee
pisen pise peas pea
e__gen e__ge eyes eye
hosen hose hose (=tights/leggings) hose leg
halgen halge hallows (saints) hallow
beriy%en beriy% berries berry
ta__n ta__ toes toe
(i)fa__n (i)fa__ foes foe
3. no plural ending (i.e. unchanged)
sce__p sce__p sheep sheep
de__r de__r deer deer
naet naet =beasts/oxen =beast/ox
bret`re2 bro__t`er brothers/brethren brother
winter/wintre winter winters winter
wunder wunder wonders (atrocities) wonder
hors hors horses horse
mi__l mi__l miles mile
pu__nd3 pund pounds pound
4. plurals in -re
cildre ci__ld children child
ey%re ey% eggs egg

See also optional grammatical variations.

  1. for a full table with OE equivalents and examples from eME texts, see Irregular plurals at simplification of noun paradigms in eME;
  2. also bro__t`er and brot`re derived from the standard OE plural forms; 3 forms?! - see the note re bro_t`er at the bottom of the irregular plurals table in simplification of noun paradigms in eME;
  3. in fact most units of measure for time or space lacked a plural marker;