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Early Middle English for today

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Common eME words

The following is a list of common words, which have been gleaned from PC2 and Orm. Most are so close in form and meaning in both Early Middle English and Modern English, that readers will recognise them instantly.

These words can serve as reading practice for those who would like to get more familiar with eME spelling.

demonstratives, relatives, conjunctions and adverbs
and, eayther, forth, he_r, hu_, na_, ne, nu_, oft, the, this, than, that, thus, wel, hwat, hwi_le
abbot, belle, biscop, bliss, Briten, bo_k, bro_ther, butere, candel, casteles, ce_se, ci_ld, clif, cnotte, cribb, Cri_st, cristen`do_m, cwe_n, death, ende, erl, fader, fe_t, fi_r, flock, flo_d, flo_r, folk, fo_t, gilt, God, gold, ha_m, hand, heap, heathen, Hell, help, herte, ho_f, hundred, hunger, i_ren, kin, ki_nd, king, land, li_f, liht, lim, mayden, man, martir, men, middel, miht, mo_d, name, ne_d, niht, no_n, pitt, pre_st, scip, sci_r, sinn, smoke, snake, sna_w, strengthe, tempel, thing, thoht, ti_me, thu_send, throte, wall, weapen, wille, wi_n, winter, witness, witt, word, wunder, yard
all, al`mihtiy, a_n, betere, Britisc, cleane, de_p, first, fu_l, full, go_d, gre_diy, half, inward, least, maniy, maniy`fa_ld, ne_we, north, open, o_ther, readiy, riht, scarp, scort, stede`fast, sum, su_th, twa_, thre_, west, wi_lde, wi_s
am, art, asken, baken, be_, bohte, bringen, brohte, cursen, is, fallen, fihten, fi_nden, flen, gre_ten, helpen, ke_pen, lasten, leaden, lifen, lo_ken, planten, ri_den, ringen, ri_sen, sayde, senden, setten, singen, sitten, standen, ste_ren, stiken, stiren, sto_d, taken, tellen, thanken, thohte, understo_d, was, willen, winnen, withsto_d, wri_ten
pronouns and possessive adjectives
ic, me_, mi_n
thu_, the_, thi_n
he_, him, his
sce_, hire, hire
it/hit, it/hit, his
ye_, yow, yowre
we_, us, u_re
hi_, hem, here
after, at, be`foren, betwe_nen, bi_, for, fram, in, into_, mid, of, over, on, to_, to_ward, under, up, upon, u_t, with, withu_ten