Additional eME forms
words which depart from standard OE forms & words of Old Norse, Middle Dutch and Old Low German origin
The following forms cannot be accounted for through the sound and spelling changes listed in table X. By the same token, forms that do follow the expected patterns of development from OE to ME, are not listed here. If you do happen to come across a form which strikes you as anomalous, you may find it in the footnotes (below) which outline some limited sound changes.
- a
- a, an; OE a_n > Orm a, an, PC2 a, Lmn a, an, AW a, an, Ch a, an
- aefric
- every, everyone; OE ae_fre adj + ae_lc` adj/pron > PC2 aeuric, AW eu(e)rich, Owl euerich, SO euerich, Ch everich
- age
- awe, terror; ON agi > lOE ag > Orm ay%h`efull, Ch awe
- ay%
- always; OE a_, ON ei > Orm ay%y%, Ch ay > eModE ay
- als/alse
- as; OE WS eallswa_, A all + swe_ > lOE *allswe > PC2 als(e), Orm alls, AW as(e), PH3 alse, Ch a(l)s
- ana__n
- immediately; so__ne ~ se - as soon as; OE on a_n > Orm anan, Lmn anan, Ch anoon > ModE anon
- andswer~e, ~en
- answer; OE andswar~u ~ian > Orm anndswer~e ~enn, Lmn andsweore, AW ondsweried`, Owl answere, Ch answere
- a__niy`
- any; OE ae_nig` > PC2 ani, PH3 oni(e), Ch any/ony
- ay%aenes
- against; OE ong`e_an, to_g`e_anes > PC2 agaenes/agenes, Orm (onn)y%aen, AW ay`ein, PH3 ay`enes, Ch age(y)ns/aye(y)ns
- ba__t`e
- both; OE beg`en, ba_; OE ba_ + t`a_ > Orm bat`e bat`re gen, PC2 bat`e, Ch bo(o)the
- betwix
- betwixt, between; OE betwux (betwix) > PC2 betwyx, Lmn bitwix, Ch betwixe
- bi_
- by; OE be (big`, bi_ - less common variants) > PC2 bi, PH3 bi
- birien
- to bury; OE birg`an (birig`an, birian - less common variants) > PC2 byrieden pt pl bebyried p ptc, Lmn iburied p ptc, AW iburiet p ptc
- note - this additional eME form is not used in englesaxe; biry%en (cp Orm birry%enn, Ch buryen yburyed) is preferred;
- briht
- bright; OE berht > Orm brihht, Lmn briht, AW briht, Owl briy`t, SO briy`t, Ch bright
- briny%e
- suit of armour; ON brynja > PC2 briniges pl, Lmn brunie, AW brunie
- can
- know how to/be acquainted with; OE cann > PC2 can, Ch can/kan
- ce__se
- cheese; OE ci_se (e_) > Ch cheese, MED che_se > ModE cheese
- cest
- chest; OE cist (e/y) > PC2 caeste dat., Ch cheste/chiste
- chusen
- chose pt pl; OE ce_osan sv2 ce_as curon coren > PC2 cuson /tS/, Ch chose
- chosen
- chosen p ptc; OE coren (see previous) > PC2 cosan /tS/, Orm chosenn, PH3 ichosen, Ch chose(n)
- citeren
- to chatter; AW chiterinde pr ptc, Ch chiteren inf > ModE chitter, chatter
- clepen
- to call/summon; OE clipian (e) > PC2 clepeden, Ch clepe(n)
- cnoken
- to knock; OE cnucian (o) > Ch knokke(n), MED knokke(n)
- craccen
- to scratch; MDu or MLG or ON; MDu cratsen (e), MHG kratzen (e), OSw kratta > AW scrattes pr sg3, SO crached pr sg2 > ModE scratch; cp Sw skratta
- daerne
- secret adj; OE dierne (ae) > Orm daerne, AW dearne
- da__l
- allotment, portion; OE dae_l > Orm dale, Lmn dale, AW dale
- de__l
- part, share; OE dae_l > Orm del, PC2 sumdel, Owl echdel, Ch de(e)l
- note - this additional eME word is not used in englesaxe; da_l and dael are preferred as both have ModE reflexes - dole and deal respectively;
- dwale
- trickery; fool n; OE dwola > Orm dwallkennde, Ch dwale
- e__fen
- eve(ning); OE ae_fen (e_) > Orm efenn, AW euen, Owl eue, Ch even, MED e_ven
- elf
- elf; OE aelf ielfe pl > Ch elf, MED elf
- ey%t`er
- either, both; OE aeg`hwet`er (aeg`t`er) > Orm ey%y%t`err, Lmn eit`er, AW eid`er, Owl eit`er, Ch eyther, MED either
- felage
- fellow; ON fe-lagi > AW feolahe, Ch felawe, MED felaue
- fihten
- to fight; OE feohtan > Orm fihhtenn, Ch fighte(n)
- fort`an
- therefore, consequently; OE fort`ae_m, OE alt fort`an > PC1 fort`an, Lmn fort`an, Owl for t`an, MED for-than
- fort`en
- even, quite, exactly; OE furt`um > Orm forrt`enn, Lmn fort`e, (MED fort`en)
- fra__
- from; OE fram (fra), ON frá > Orm fra, PC2 fra(m), Ch fra(m) fro(m) > ModE from/fro
- fray%nen
- to ask; OE frig`nan (fraeg`ning) > Orm fray%y%nenn, Lmn fraeinien, Ch frayneth, Gaw frayned p ptc
- gate
- path, gait; ON gata, alla götu > Orm gate, AW allegate, SO algate, Ch algate(s)
- gaere
- gear, equipment, apparel, behaviour; ON gervi, OE g`earwe > Orm gaeress pl, Lmn gaeren dat pl, Ch geere
- gest
- guest; OE g`iest > Orm gessthus, PC2 gestes, AW gest, Ch gest
- gild
- guild; OE g`eg`ield > MED gilda 1114 1180 1190 1240 1280 i.a. > ModE guild
- ginnen
- to begin; OE ong`innan > Orm gann pt sg3, Lmn gunnen pt pl, AW ginne sbj pr sg, Owl ginnet` pr sg3, SO gan gunne pt, Ch gynneth pr sg3 gan pt sg3
- gle__
- glee, music, entertainment; OE gli_w (gle_ow) n > Lmn gleo, AW gleo > ModE glee
- grisliy%
- grisly, horrible; OE grislic` > Orm grissliy%, Owl grisli/grislich, Ch grisly
- haccen
- hatch, incubate; OE *haeccan > Owl hay`te pt sg3, (MED hacchen)
- hager
- skillful; ON hagr > Orm hay%h`err, AW haher
- hagge
- hag, witch, fury; OE haeg`-tes n f *hagan pl > AW haggen pl dat, (MED hagge)
- hem
- them; OE him (heom) > Orm hemm, PC2 heom, Owl heom/hom, PH3 heom, SO hem, Ch hem
- here
- their; OE hira or heora or hiera > PC2 here, Lmn heore, SO her, Ch her(e)/hir(e)
- he__w
- hue, likeness, form; OE hi_w (he_ow) > Orm hewe dat, Ch hew(e)
- hirde
- herdsman; OE hierde, A hiorde > Orm hirde, AW hirden pl dat, Ch hierde
- hire
- her; OE hire or hiere > PC2 hire, Orm hire, Ch hir(e)/her(e)
- hwanne
- when; OE hwonne > Orm whanne, Ch whan(ne) VH hwaenne, BH hwaenne
- hwam
- whom; OE hwae_m > Orm whamm, SO wham
- hwa__s
- whose; OE hwaes gen. of hwa_/hwaet > Orm whas /a:/, Ch whoos
- Í
- I ; OE ic` > PC2 I, Ch I/y (ich); note - unstressed variant of ich in eME
- ille
- poor, bad; ON illr > Orm ille, Ch ill(e)
- inne
- within, inside; OE innan > PC2 inne(n), Orm inne, Ch inne
- intil
- unto, into; OE in + ON til > Orm inntill, PH3 intel
- it
- it; OE hit > PC2 it, Ch it (hyt)
- key%ser
- emperor, Caesar; OE ca_sere, ON keisari > Orm key%y%seress gen, Lmn keisere acc, AW keiser
- la__ge
- low; ON la_gr > Orm lah s lay%he w, Ch low(e)/lo(u)gh
- lahhen
- to laugh; OE hliehhan (hlaehan), hleahtor > Orm lahhy%h`enn, AW lahhen, Ch laughen
- lasten
- to last/endure; OE lae_stan > PC2 lastede, Orm lasstenn, Lmn lasten, SO last pr sg3, Ch laste(n)
- left
- left(-hand) adj; OE *lyft, lyfta_dl > Lmn leoft, TH left, Ch left > ModE left
- lifen
- to live; OE libban (lifian) > PC2 liuen, Ch live(n)
- liy%en
- to lie; OE licgan > PC2 lien, Ch lye(n)/ligge(n)
- liht
- light; OE le_oht (li_ht) > Orm lihht, Ch light
- man
- man, human being; OE mann > PC2 man, Ch man
- madmes
- treasure, ornaments; OE ma_d`um, ma_d`mes (ma_dm~) gen > Orm maddmess, Lmn madmes, MED madmes
- mascen
- to mash, reduce to pulp; to brew (ale); OE *ma_scan (ae_) inf > Orm meshe inf, MED mashen > ModE to mash
- me
- one, 'they' indef.pron.; OE man (me) > PC2 me, Owl me, Lmn me, Ch me (man/men)
- ne__we
- new; OE ni_we (ne_owe) > PC2 neuuae, Orm new, Ch new(e)
- noht
- nothing, not (at all); OE na_ht (na_wiht/no_ht) > PC2 noht/naht, Orm nohht, AW nocht, Ch naught/nought/no(g)ht
- nowt`er
- neither; OE na_hwaet`er (no_wt`er/na_wt`er) > PC2 nout`er, SO not`er, Ch nouther/nother;
(assimilation to either gave ModE neither) - oht
- at all, anything; OE a_wiht (a_wuht/a_ht/aht/o_ht) > Orm ohht, Owl oy`t, Ch o(u)ght/aught > archaic ModE ought/aught
- ot`er
- or; OE od`d`e/o_d`er > PC2, Owl, AW, PH3, SO ot`er, Ch other/or
- owt`er
- any one, someone, either; OE a_hwaet`er (o_wt`er/a_wt`er) > PC2 ot`er, Ch o(u)ther
Note: given the potential for confusion with o_t`er and ot`er, I prefer to use ihwa_ for any one in my weblog - pot`eren
- to stir, poke; OE *pod`eren (MED indicates OE probably had a form related to MDu poderen) > AW pead`ered` (a), pot`eret`, MED patheren > ModE pother
- raediy%
- ready; OE rae_de > Orm raediy%, Ch redy
- rang, irungen
- rang, rung; OE hringde pt sg3 g`ehringed p ptc > Lmn irungen p ptc, Ch rong pt sg3 > ModE rang, rung
- rey%el
- dress, garment; OE hraeg`l > PC1 reil, Owl rey`el
- rubben
- to rub; ON *rubba, MLG *rubben > robbe imp sg Recipe Painting(1) in Archaeol.J.1 (Hrl 2253) (1325), robby sbj pr sg SLeg.Geo.(1) (Corp-C 145) (1325), Ch rubbeth pr sg3, MED rubben > ModE rub
- ruke
- pile, heap, group of people; ON hruga/hruka > AW ruken, MED ruke > ModE ruck
- saht
- agreement, settlement; OE seht sehtan sehtlian > PC2 sahte saehte saehtlede, Orm sahhte sahhtlen, Lmn saeht, Ch saughte
- say%en
- to say; OE secgan > PC2 saein/saegen/sei, Ch seyn/seye(n)/sayn/saye
- scapen
- to create; OE scieppan > Orm shapet`t`, Ch shapen
- sce__
- she; OE he_o/hi_e > lOE SEMidl ?/hje:/ > ?/Ce:/ > PC2 scae, SO sche, Ch she/sche
- sce__p
- sheep; OE sce_ap > Orm shep, AW schep, Ch sheep
- sculde
- had to, was obliged to; OE sceolde (sc`olde) > PC2 sculde, AW schulde, SO schuld, Ch sholde/shulde
- saegen
- saw; OE WS sae_won A sae_gon > Orm saey%h`enn, Ch seyen/sawe
- se
- as, so; OE swe_ (variant of swa_) > PC2, AW, Orm se;
e.g. Orm sone anan se, forththrihht se - as; PC2 ware se, AW stinketh se swid`e feor - so - segen
- seen pp.; OE WS sewen A segen > Orm sey%h`enn, 2KS i-seghe, Ch seyen/seen
- se__l
- happiness; OE WS sae_l A se_l > Orm, Lmn, Ch sel; AW, Lmn iseli
- selcu__t`
- rare, unusual; OE seldcu_t` > Orm sellcut`, Lmn selcut`, AW seolcud`e, MED selcouth
- shit
- shit, excrement; OE shitte > Owl schit-worde > ModE shit
- silfer
- silver; OE seolfor (i/io/u/y) > PC2 syluer nom sylure dat, SO silver
- skateren
- to scatter, squander; OE *scateran > PC2 scatered, Ch scatereth/scatered, MED scateren
- skil
- reason, grounds; ON skil > Orm skill, Ch skile/skyl/skylle
- skre__cen
- to screech, shriek; OE alt scre_c`, ON skraetja > Owl scrichest pr sg2 > ModE screech
- smirken
- to smile; OE smearcian > StK smirkinde pr ptc > ModE smirk
- starten
- to start, leap up, rush; OE sturtende pr ptc > Owl start pr sg3 > ModE start
- ste__le
- steel; OE sty_le (e_) > Lmn stele pl, AW stel pl, Ch ste(e)l pl, MED ste_l(e)
- sterne
- stern; OE styrne (ie) > Owl sterne, Ch sterne pl, MED stern(e) > ModE stern
- stubb
- stump, stub; OE stybb (u) > Owl stubbe dat, SO stub, Ch stubbes pl, MED stub(be)
- suster
- sister; OE sweoster (e/i/u/y) > PC2 suster, Orm susstress pl, Lmn suster pl, AW sustren pl dat, Ch suster
- til
- till, to; OE oth; ON til - to > PC2 til, Orm till, Ch til(l)
- t`an(ne)
- than, then, when; OE t`onne (t`anne/t`on) > PC2 t`an(ne), Orm t`ann, Ch then/than(ne)
- t`enen (~e/~es)
- thence, from that place; OE t`anon (t`eonen) > PC1 t`enen, Lmn t`enene (t`ennen), (AW t`eonne, Owl t`enne, Ch thenne(s), MED thenne/thennes)
- t`ey%
- they; ON t`eir > Orm t`ey%y%, SO t`ai, Ch they
- t`enken
- to think; OE (g`e)t`enc`an, ON t`ekkja > Orm t`ennkenn, Ch thenke(n)/thenche(n)
- t`es
- therefore, because of that; OE t`aes (gen of se/t`aet) > Orm t`ess, Lmn t`es, StM t`enne, HM t`es, Owl t`es
- t`oh
- nevertheless, yet, though; OE t`e_ah, ON t`ó/*t`auh > PC2 t`oh, Orm t`ohh, Ch tho(u)gh/theigh;
(Note - the OE and ON forms are cognate) - t`ohhwet`ere
- nevertheless, yet; t`oh + OE hwet`re > Orm t`ohhwhet`t`re, PC2 t`ohuuet`ere/t`othwet`ere; cf. modE whether
- t`umbe
- thumb; OE t`u_ma > PC2 t`umbes pl, AW t`ume, Ayb t`oume, Ch thombe, MED thoume
- I tend to use t`u__me rather than this additional eME form
- trappe
- trap; OE treppe (trappe) > Orm trapp, Ch trappe, MED trappe
- tu__te
- protrusion, hill, buttocks; lookout, tout; ON tuta, MDu tute > AW tutel, Ch toute, MED tout(e)
- twiccen
- to pull, jerk; OE twiccian *twic`c`an > SLL tuicche (1300), SO itwiy`t inf, MED twicchen > MED twitch
- twiy%es
- twice; OE tuwa (twig`ea) > Orm twiy%ess, AW twies, Ch twyes, MED twi_es
- umbe
- about/around; OE ymbe (umbe/embe) > Orm ummbe, PC2 um, Lmn umbe/embe, Piers um, NED umbe/embe
- up
- up; OE u_p uppe > Orm upp, PC2 up, Ch up adv uppe adj
- upon
- upon; OE uppan > Orm upponn, Ch upon/uppon
- wandrat`
- misery, adversity; ON vand-raed`i > Orm wandrat`, Lmn wandred`e, AW wontread`e
- wicke
- wicked, bad, harmful; OE wiccan gen? > PC2 wicci, Orm wicke, AW wicke, Ch wikke
- wigglen
- to wiggle, wobble; MDu wiggelen v w > AW wigled` pr sg3, (MED wigelen) > ModE wiggle
- wereld
- world; OE woruld > Orm werelld, Lmn weoreld, AW werlde dat, Ch werld
- wrat`e
- wrath, anger; OE wrae_t`t`u > Orm wrat`t`e, Ch wrathe > ModE wrath
- wrecce
- wretched/miserable; OE wraeclic` > PC2 wrecce, Owl wrecche, Ch wrecche(d)
- wurm
- serpent, worm; OE wyrm (u) > Orm wurm, SO worm, Ch worm
- wurt`
- worth n, worthy adj; OE weort` (u) > Orm wurrt`(e), Lmn wurd`(e), AW wurd`e, Ch worth
- wrohte
- worked, created, wrought; OE wyrc`an v w > AW wurchen; OE worhte/wrohte pt sg1/3 > PC2 wrohte, Orm wrohhte
- y%e__de
- went; OE (g`e)e_ode e_oden > Orm y`edenn, PC2 gaede, Ch yede(n)
- y%e__ten
- to convey, grant; ON ja_ta ja_tta > Orm y%atenn y%atte y%atedd, Lmn y`etten, AW y`etted` y`ette y`ettede
- y%ow
- you; OE WS e_ow, lOE N i_uh > Orm y%uw, SO y`ou, Ch you/yow
- y%owre
- your; OE WS e_ower (i_ower/i_owre), lOE N i_uer > Orm y%ure, SO y`our, Ch youre
- y%ugelen
- to yowl; OE *g`eogelian /ju:/ > StK y`uhelunge, Owl y`oy`elinge, MED yoy`elinge > ModE yowl
Sound changes with limited application (from table X)
- ne__h, he__h, e__ge, e__k, ce__ke
- OE e_a + h/g/c > eME e_ + h/g/k
- ne_ah, he_ah, e_age, e_ac, c`e_ace > ne__h, he__h, e__ge, e__k, ce__ke (nigh, high, eye, -, cheek);
- de__d, e__fen, e__l, gre__diy%, ne__del, se__d, sle__pen, stre__t
- OE ae_ > eME e_ where ModE has ee
- dae_d, ae_fen, ae_l, grae_dig`, nae_dl, sae_d, slae_pan, strae_t > de__d, e__fen, e__l, gre__diy%, ne__del, se__d, sle__pen, stre__t > deed, eve, eel, greedy, needle, seed, sleep, street;